Solar air heating is actually a solar thermal technology employed for industrial and commercial buildings where the energy coming from the sun is captured and utilized in order to heat air. This handles one of the biggest uses of building energy in heating areas, that is space heating. Also, it is used in agricultural drying. For indirect solar water heater such as air system, the heated fluid or air moves around via a collector. The collected heat is then transported to the household water supply making use of a heat exchanger.
Solar air heating is actually a solar thermal technology employed for industrial and commercial buildings where the energy coming from the sun is captured and utilized in order to heat air. This handles one of the biggest uses of building energy in heating areas, that is space heating. Also, it is used in agricultural drying. For indirect solar water heater such as air system, the heated fluid or air moves around via a collector. The collected heat is then transported to the household water supply making use of a heat exchanger.
For air system, the collectors heat the air, that is moved by way of a fan via an air-to-water heat exchanger. The heater water will then be utilized for domestic or service needs. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is within the 50% range. The antifreeze solution, just like non-toxic propylene glycol, is warmed up in the solar collector and circulated to the hot water storage tank using a heat exchanger. The potable water on the storage tank is warmed up by the hot, antifreeze-filled heat exchanger, and so the heated water will then be utilized as needed, while the cooled glycol is piped back in the solar collector to get heated once again.
Advantages To Powering Air System Using Solar Panels
You can find a number of advantages to powering air source heat system using solar panels, instead of depending on energy coming from fossil fuels:
Savings on Heating Bills
Air source heat systems operate on electricity, and simply because heat pumps really are a highly efficient technology, you could often save money on energy costs no matter whether you supply the electricity coming from the grid or your very own solar panel system. Having said that, solar electricity is among the most affordable types of electricity, enabling you to maximize your electricity bill savings.
Savings on Cooling Bills
Solar-powered air source heat systems could help you save in not only the winter season; this technology could also help you to save on energy bills throughout the warm season. A lot of homeowners make use of air conditioners to have their property cool whenever temperatures go up. Even though air conditioners also can operate on solar electricity, they’re usually less efficient as compared to air source heat technologies, which means they need more electricity.
Protection Towards Rising Energy Expenses
Simply by powering your air source heat systems using solar energy, you’re likewise protecting yourself towards increasing energy costs. Whenever you produce your very own solar electricity, you secure the cost of energy for many years. The cost of other forms of energy – petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuel-based electricity – will keep on fluctuating as time passes, and tend to increase in general whenever supply can’t get caught up with demand.
Environmental Advantages
The majority of traditional cooling and heating sources run off fossil fuels, regardless of whether that be oil or gas directly, or electricity which is produced coming from fossil fuel resources. In integrating your solar panel system using air source heat pumps, you are able to heat and cool your house with clean, emission-free electricity.
Great in Cold Climates
The primary advantage of this kind of system is that it could be utilized in extremely cold places. The water mixture normally consists of propylene glycol to help keep it from freezing. The quantity of glycol put into the water is raised according to the smallest temperatures documented for the place in which the installation is happening. The system could work properly regardless of how cold the air is outside the house, meaning that you could make use of it even when you reside in an extremely cold climate which receives decent sunlight exposure.